For this week, we have learned about first P that is product strategy related to brand and positioning of the product. I thought it wasn’t easy to make one brand to become famous and interesting brand among the bulk of customers. I knew that it was very hard to be a brand because the company must invest a lot in researching and development (R&D), especially, and think about the positioning of product that will convince customer to buy new product. If we want to do a business, we always have to survey or research about the marketing or customer’s want/need and demand. Actually, I understood the information and knowledge about product strategy. This course made me to improve myself about international business more. Moreover, we had some activity to do for this week. Teacher asked all of students to act a role play about business. After that, our teacher gave us a good comment as well. I was excited so much because this role play made me to know how the personality of each person. Besides, I’m going to apply this activity in my real life, which is I can prepared this interview for my job interview in cooperation, and I’ll use it when I graduate or apply for a job.
i'm pleased to see your application of the lesson. Learning is doing. Likewise, learning English is by using it. in other words, speak your mind out!
Hi My business partner.
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to see and comment your blog.
Your blog is Ok.you can mix all of thing for a good blog.But your top of picture focus on
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hi, my business partner
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I like to drink Ovaltine.
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Love and Care.
HI, my business partner
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Hello, Senior
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Good job.