Ovaltine is an ideal product for mothers in their desire to keep their children and themselves healthy. The malt provides carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and minerals while the milk adds protein and vitamin B. The product is accessible in many ways in order to accommodate the needs and the lifestyles of its principal market segments, mothers, young children and teenagers. It can be purchased in the easy-to-keep powder form for those who want to have a steady supply of Ovaltine around the house or as a convenient one-off ready-to-drink beverage.
Ovaltine makes really good chocolate malt whipped cream. Just add about 1/4 cup to whipping cream and whip it. So yummy. Many children grew up drinking ovaltine, though they think the reason their mom made it for them, because it was healthier than chocolate milk. They always have a giant glass of skim milk and ovaltine every night with dinner. Until They became lactose intolerant, that is. It makes really good hot cocoa.